Why Freelancing Is Not Just a Job

If you’re a student looking to make a big splash in your career after graduation, freelancing could be the way to go. Not only does it offer a wide range of benefits, but it can also give you the opportunity to gain valuable experience and work toward your career goals while still having plenty of time to enjoy life.

One of the most common reasons people shy away from freelance work is that they think it’s not a real job. They may have heard their parents and friends say things like “when are you going to get a real job?” or “you don’t know how to be a freelancer” – and those comments probably weren’t meant to be dismissive, but rather a bit of truth.

The truth is, however, that freelancers can be just as productive, if not more so, than full-time employees who spend all day in an office. It’s simply a matter of figuring out the best ways to maximize your time in your new career and avoid distractions that can keep you from being efficient and focused on your project.

Traditionally, most employees were employed on a 9 to 5 schedule where they were required to show up at the office and work until 5 PM each day. This didn’t always fit with everyone’s lifestyle and it often left little room for personal or family obligations.

Now, there is no requirement to do this, and the freedom to choose your own schedule is an important benefit of being a freelancer. Many successful freelancers have a very flexible schedule and can work during the day, or even at night when they feel most creatively stimulated.

The ability to have a schedule that works for you is a huge benefit to being a freelancer, and it’s something that many employers appreciate as well.

Being able to have more flexibility is a big advantage for any type of worker, but it’s especially beneficial for freelancers because they have the opportunity to pick and choose which projects they take on and the hours they work.

It’s a lot easier to find work when you have the flexibility to choose your own hours and the freedom to make decisions about which projects you want to take on.

Having a flexible schedule allows you to take on more projects at once, or work part- time during the summer months.

This means that you have a much higher chance of finding a project that matches your skill set and experience. This is a great way to boost your confidence and build up your portfolio.

You’ll be able to make more money, and that can help you save for your future and build a larger bank account. You can also use that extra income to fund vacations, a wedding, or whatever you want.

Being a freelancer gives you control over your career and financial situation, which is a very appealing prospect. Not only are you able to create your own working hours and determine how many projects you take on, but you can set your own rates too.

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Bruno Oliveira is a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 16 years of experience. He offers a range of digital products, empowering business owners and influencers to establish a strong online presence. Bruno's love for travel and exploration led him to relocate to the United States in 2016. With a genuine desire to empower others, he helps individuals unlock their full potential in the digital realm.


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